While the elections are always a topic of debate (and debates are always a big part of the election process), it's quite clear at least one of these state representative candidates has no actual idea what his stances are to try and resolve some of the issues that he's stated are, well, actual issues. In the debates, hosted by Weazel News (We love you Weazel!), there were questions directed to Billy (to which at one point he responded with 'I'll be honest with you, I'm not sure how this Government-business works' ) in regard to how he proposed to change the Department of Commerce and Labor.

Billy spoke to his own personal issues with the department, citing that 'DoCL took too long', and that they didn't have his best interests in mind, recalling his time back before Mutiny in which he dealt with the department. (For those who weren't aware, DoCL had a restructuring sometime post-mutiny under the leadership of Charlotte Baker, but Banter doesn't seem aware of these changes nor did he speak to reaching out to them, at all, since his days as a Taxi Driver). He stated he paid over 26,000 for his Taxi lot (a number we suspect was pulled out of somewhere other than his brain), and complained that he couldn't get his own garage to repair his own vehicles, to which one questioning citizen (and other candidates) made it clear that it sounded like Banter was only interested in monopolizing and taking business away from public garages in order to boost his own business. So... do you really have the city's interest in mind there, Billy? For those of you who hadn't heard of Billy Banter before now, there was an alleged rumor of him defecating on Mirror Park doorsteps some months back. While we can't prove or disprove this happened, this is a topic that people have brought to me, your writer, a few times. (And, let's be real, worse has been said about Mr. Banter and his sordid past). Billy also had some interesting takes when it came to gun laws in the state, including something along the lines of 'If you don't want to get shot, don't have guns'. So, less guns more swords?

It's clear to us at LSD that he's still quite full of it, and his absence in the past year (or so) has left him quite out of touch with the reality of business ownership and the people of the city in general.
Billy, maybe you should take a moment and reconsider going back to accepting money for the deuces you dropped today.
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Disclaimer: Many of these articles are sensationalized for entertainment purposes. Additionally, you may find articles that fall under the category of "Opinion" and are the opinions of that author and not necessarily a reflection of any singular group, entity, or LSD as a whole. You'll see this same disclaimer at the beginning of the site, as well.
EDIT (5/24/23): A Revision was made to this article, as the original link-to was corrupted. You can still read the article "But I won't do that"